Psychological safety in supervision

Psychological safety provides a foundation for a successful supervisory alliance. This course examines the concept of psychological safety, why it matters and how you can look to create and embed this into your supervisory practice in order to optimise the learning and performance of your supervisees. 

This course is made up of a series of videos, each focusing on a different aspect of psychological safety in supervision. The videos are accompanied by activities to embed your learning, and you can progress through the course at your own pace.

This course is designed to be completed in approximately two hours. This course is available in English only.

You will have access to the course for six months from the date of purchase.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:
  1. explain the concept of psychological safety and clearly define the elements which fall within this.
  2. apply your knowledge of psychological safety to a supervisory environment.
  3. distinguish between psychologically safe supervision and ‘fearful’ supervision.
  4. increase your understanding around the impact of psychological safety on ethical practice.
  5. create and nurture psychological safety within supervision.
  6. measure, monitor and evaluate levels of psychological safety within supervision. 

Course author 

Julie-Anne Aspin AFBPsS, CPsychol 
Julie is a Practitioner Forensic Psychologist working within the Forensic field (HMPPS). Her career within HMPPS spans almost 30 years where she has held a number of roles including: supervision, consultancy, assessment and training delivery. Julie is a facilitator for the BPS Supervision Skills workshops and a Verified Assessor for the Forensic Testing qualifications. In particular, she has a genuine interest and passion for supervision and a wealth of experience in this area which she is eager to share through delivery of the ‘Psychological safety in supervision’ course. Julie’s mission and values are centered on inspiring and championing supervision excellence in order to make a sustainable difference to individuals, organisations and society. She believes that effective supervision skills are not only fundamental to our work as practitioners, but also essential in supporting, guiding, and developing professional and ethical practitioners. Within this course, Julie shares some of her own personal experiences of supervision and why this has been influential in shaping her passion and quest for delivering authentic supervision to supervisees.  

Is this course right for me? 

This course has been designed for psychologists and colleagues who are experienced and trained supervisors. It will be particularly useful to anyone who is approved as a supervisor via the BPS Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors  


Price: £100 (+ VAT) 
Members: £60 (+ VAT) 

Payments are made at point of purchase through our secure online booking system. 

In addition to the site policies this course is subject to additional terms and conditions.

Booking on behalf of an organisation?

If you or your colleagues are looking to book onto this course as a group you can make savings by booking ten or more places. To find out more about our packages contact


If your organisation prefers invoicing over online payment that's no problem. We can invoice you for 5 or more purchases or if your purchase is for more than £250.

In order to request a quote for five or more learners, please complete this form. If you are looking to book for fewer than 5 learners please proceed directly to requesting an invoice by completing the invoice request form.

To request an invoice please complete this form. We also provide guidance to support this process. Please note, to raise an invoice you will need to provide a Purchase Order. Once the invoice has been paid we will provide your learners with details of how to access their learning. 


This course is provided by BPS Professional Development. You can contact us at

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