Working successfully in private practice (20 May 2025)

Growing numbers of psychologists and therapists work in private practice either as an adjunct to their other clinical jobs or as their primary professional concern. Working as an independent practitioner is potentially very rewarding professionally and personally, but it is not without its challenges and pitfalls.

Skills for working in private practice are seldom taught on psychology and therapy training courses and therefore qualified practitioners must rely on their own resourcefulness and ingenuity to develop a successful practice.

The focus will be on an exploration of:

  • What is good and bad about private practice - commercial and clinical risks
  • Reputation
  • Styles and models of therapy and the relationship to private practice
  • Branding and marketing
  • Building up a client base
  • Developing a professional network
  • Premises - identity, location, safety
  • Fees, finance and the plain (sometimes boring) facts
  • Partnerships and associateships
  • The client intake and screening process and interview

This workshop does not cover working in private practice outside of the UK, or how to become a Psychologist in the UK. 

Date: Tuesday 20 May 2025

Time: 09:30 - 12:30

Format: Online via Zoom

Places are limited on this workshop, if it is fully booked you will not be able to book a place, please contact to join a waiting list. 

Bookings for this workshop will close at 09:30 on 19 May 2025. 

Learning outcomes

By the end of this online workshop you will:

  • Understand the place of working independently as a psychologist, whether alongside salaried employment or as a full time alternative, and contractual and legal issues relevant to setting up in independent practice
  • Opportunities for marketing one's practice taking into account one's specific clinical interests and specialisms
  • How to address financial considerations pertaining to independent practice
  • Some important practical matters pertaining to independent practice

Is this course right for me?

This online workshop will appeal to:

  • Those already working in private practice who wish to gain more advanced insights and skills relating to practice in the UK. 
  • Trainees/newly qualified psychologists who aim to set up in private practice in the UK.

This workshop does not cover working in private practice outside of the UK, or how to become a Psychologist in the UK. 

In addition to the site policies this course is subject to additional terms and conditions


Workshop presenter 

Presenter: Professor Rob Bor CPsychol CSci FBPsS 

Professor Robert Bor is a Chartered Psychologist as well as a Fellow of the British Psychological Society. He is a UKCP Registered Family Therapist, having completed his specialist training at the Tavistock Clinic, London and a clinical member of the Institute of Family Therapy, London. He has more than 20 years of experience working in private practice as an adjunct to his NHS job. He is consulting psychologist at the London Clinic and the London Oncology Clinic, both in Harley Street and to several leading schools including St Paul’s School and The Royal Ballet School. He has published more than 150 articles and chapters in peer-review publications as well as 20 books on the psychological impact of illness and serves on the editorial board of numerous international journals.


Price: £183.33 (+ VAT)
Member: £110.00 (+ VAT)

In addition to the site policies this course is subject to additional terms and conditions

Booking on behalf of an organisation?

If you or your colleagues are looking to book onto this course as a group you can make savings by booking ten or more places. To find out more about our packages contact


If your organisation prefers invoicing over online payment that's no problem. We can invoice you for 5 or more purchases or if your purchase is for more than £250.

In order to request a quote for 5 or more learners, please email If you are looking to book for fewer than 5 learners please proceed directly to requesting an invoice by completing the invoice request form.

To request an invoice please complete this form. We also provide guidance to support this process. Please note, to raise an invoice you will need to provide a Purchase Order. Once the invoice has been paid we will provide your learners with details of how to access their learning. 

Packages for BPS Accredited education providers

We can arrange special packages for our partners at BPS Accredited education providers so that you can offer further learning to your students and colleagues. Contact to find out more.

About the organiser

This workshop has been organised by BPS Professional Practice and Development

You may also be interested in our other courses on BPS Learn, including those related to private practice and your personal development.

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