The psychology of sleep series
What's included?

This series includes six modules on the topic of sleep

  1. The psychophysiology of sleep and intrinsic and extrinsic sleep influencers 
  2. Sleep, memory and mental health 
  3. An introduction to NICE approved Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi) 
  4. The impact of shift-working on sleep and how to manage this 
  5. Child sleep 
  6. Sleep apnoea 

Together these modules provide approximately 4 hours of learning. 

Participants also have the chance to attend regular Q&A sessions with the course author. 



Full price: £250 (exc. VAT)

Member price: £150 (exc. VAT)

Payments are made at point of booking through our secure online booking system. We can invoice your organisation for five or more purchases or if your purchase has a value of more than £250 (please see the section Discounts and invoices below for more information).

In addition to the site policies this course is subject to additional terms and conditions.

Please log in to see your best price. 


Course overview

Our Psychology of Sleep series was developed in collaboration with Sleep Unlimited, who are the largest company of sleep experts in the UK. This series is perfect if you are early in your career or are more experience and looking to develop a broader understanding of sleep related conditions.  

This series comprises six modules and also includes Q&A sessions with the course author. It will give you a basic understanding of sleep psychophysiology and the factors that influence sleep.

You will then develop your understanding of a range of sleep-related topics and gain an insight into how to best understand and manage client’s issues. The six modules included in the series covers:

  1. An introduction to the psychophysiology of sleep, and intrinsic and extrinsic sleep influencers. (Module 1)
  2. An understanding of the relationship between sleep, memory and mental health. (Module 2)
  3. An introduction to insomnia and how NICE Approved Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi) can help to combat insomnia.​ (Module 3)
  4. An understanding of the impact of shift-working on sleep and how to manage this with your clients. ​(Module 4)
  5. An understanding of sleep in children. This includes babies, young children, older children and teenagers. ​(Module 5)
  6. An understanding of sleep apnoea and the impact this can have.​ (Module 6)

Together these modules provide approximately four hours of learning and can be taken at your own pace.


Learning objectives

The psychophysiology of sleep and intrinsic and extrinsic sleep influencers:

  1. Be able to identify the different stages of sleep
  2. Understand normal, age-related changes to sleep 
  3. Be aware of the physiological factors that affect our sleep

Sleep, memory and mental health: 

  1. Understand which stages of sleep are important for memory
  2. Have an awareness of the link between sleep quality, memory, and our mental health

An introduction to NICE approved Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi):

  1. Be aware if the different types of insomnia
  2. Understand how to approach the management of different types of sleep disorder

The impact of shift-working on sleep and how to manage this:

  1. Be aware of the negative impact of shift work and jet lag on our sleep, mental and physical health
  2. Have an awareness of how to manage changes to work patterns and / or time zones
  3. Understand the significance of the human circadian rhythm in relation to shift-working and jetlag

Child sleep:

  1. Understand the different sleep requirements of children as they age from birth to adulthood
  2. Be aware of the structural differences in sleep across childhood and why these are important
  3. Gain insight into how best to manage the common sleeping difficulties which can be experienced across childhood

Sleep apnoea:

  1. Be aware of the epidemiology, social and health consequences of sleep apnoea
  2. Understand how to apply and use a widely respected metric for the assessment of sleep apnoea and subsequent treatment pathways.


These modules are available in English only.Are these courses right for me? 

If you work in a psychological setting or an other profession where you come into contact with people who have issues with sleep or if you want to learn more about the factors impacting on your own sleep then this course has been designed for you. 


Discounts and invoices

Member Discounts

These are automatically applied when you log in to BPS Learn.

Booking on behalf of an organisation?

If you or your colleagues are looking to book onto this course as a group you can make savings by booking ten or more places. To find out more about our packages contact


If your organisation prefers invoicing over online payment that's no problem. We can invoice you for 5 or more purchases or if your purchase is for more than £250.

In order to request a quote for five or more learners, please complete this form. If you are looking to book for fewer than 5 learners please proceed directly to requesting an invoice by completing the invoice request form.

To request an invoice please complete this form. We also provide guidance to support this process. Please note, to raise an invoice you will need to provide a Purchase Order. Once the invoice has been paid we will provide your learners with details of how to access their learning. 

Packages for BPS Accredited education providers

We can arrange special packages for our partners at BPS Accredited education providers so that you can offer further learning to your students and colleagues. Contact to find out more.



These courses were organised by BPS Professional Development. Contact us on

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