Supervision skills refresher




Full price: £275 (+VAT)

Member price: £165 (+VAT)

Payments are made at point of booking through our secure online booking system, Payments are made at point of booking through our secure online booking system. We can invoice your organisation for five or more purchases or if your purchase is for more than £250 (please see the section Discounts and invoices below for more information)


This course provides 4.5 hours of learning, you will be granted access to the course for 6 months from the date of purchase.

In addition to the site policies this course is subject to additional terms and conditions

Please log in to see your best price. 


You may also be interested in some of our other CPD courses on BPS Learn.

Course overview 


In November 2020 we updated the learning outcomes for our Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors (RAPPS). This course is designed to bridge the differences between the new learning outcomes and the previous learning outcomes. It will also update and refresh your knowledge and skills in supervision. 


This course can be completed in approximately four and a half hours and includes additional resources to support your learning. 


Is this course right for me? 



If you are already on the Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors and completed a course before the learning objectives were updated (2020) this course acts as a top up programme. 

Completion of this course will not lead to entry onto RAPPS. Please see the FAQs below for more information on the different supervision courses available. 


Learning objectives

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  1. have an organisational awareness of the context within which the work being supervised is provided.
  2. have knowledge of the relevant legal, ethical, professional and regulatory frameworks.
  3. have an understanding of the inherent responsibilities of supervisor and supervisee.
  4. have an understanding of the importance of a safe environment in facilitating learning.
  5. have an understanding of the factors that affect the supervisory relationship.
  6. have knowledge of supervisory frameworks and developmental models of learning and reflection that promote a constructive supervisory relationship.
  7. have knowledge of contemporary developments and practice within supervision with reference to the evidence base.
  8. promote self-awareness, reflection, health and wellbeing in the workplace.
  9. promote equality, inclusivity and diversity in supervision and practice.
  10. develop and maintain a supervisory alliance.
  11. have skills in contracting and negotiating with supervisees and other supervisors.
  12. recognise and act within the limits of sphere of competence and focus on ongoing development needs in terms of training and/or support as a supervisor.
  13. have skills to adapt supervision approach to the level of competence and needs of the supervisee.
  14. have skills in providing constructive, meaningful and relevant feedback to address development needs of the supervisee.
  15. have skills of using a range of supervisory approaches, methods and techniques.
  16. have skills in modelling of the professional role and ethical/legal practice (e.g. managing boundaries and power differentials)
  17. apply techniques and processes to evaluate supervision, including eliciting feedback.
  18. demonstrate competence in the evaluation of the supervisee.

This course is available in English only.


Which is the right supervision course for you? 

There are two types of registration available for our Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors (RAPPS), general registration which has a wide application, and registration to support candidates on BPS Qualifications. Please use the FAQs below for guidance when deciding which course best suits your needs.   


I want to be on RAPPS

Supervision skills is a blended learning course with eLearning modules and live workshops which covers all the requirements needed to join the RAPPS register.


I am on RAPPS and I want to refresh and update my knowledge


Supervision Skills Refresher is the perfect course for those who are already on the RAPPS and joined before the learning outcomes were updated in November 2020.

I want to be on RAPPS and become a BPS Qualification Supervisor

You will need to complete the Supervision skills course in order to join RAPPS, and then contact the Professional Development Delivery Team at who can advise you on what you need to do in order to join the register of approved qualification supervisors. 

I am already on RAPPS and I want to be a supervisor for a BPS Qualification


Please contact the Professional Development Delivery Team at who can advise you on what you need to do in order to join the register of approved qualification supervisors.

I am not on RAPPS and I want to be a supervisor for a BPS Qualification only


Please contact the Professional Development Delivery Team on to join the register of approved qualification supervisors.


I want to develop my approach to supervision but I do not need to be on RAPPS


We recommend taking the Supervision skills course as its blended approach which includes eLearning, workshops and supplementary reading will give you a well-rounded learning experience and a chance to reflect on and share your experiences with other supervisors.


Discounts and invoices

Booking on behalf of an organisation?

If you or your colleagues are looking to book onto this course as a group you can make savings by booking ten or more places. To find out more about our packages contact


If your organisation prefers invoicing over online payment that's no problem. We can invoice you for 5 or more purchases or if your purchase is for more than £250.

In order to request a quote for five or more learners, please complete this form. If you are looking to book for fewer than 5 learners please proceed directly to requesting an invoice by completing the invoice request form.

To request an invoice please complete this form. We also provide guidance to support this process. Please note, to raise an invoice you will need to provide a Purchase Order. Once the invoice has been paid we will provide your learners with details of how to access their learning. 

Packages for BPS Accredited education providers

We can arrange special packages for our partners at BPS Accredited education providers so that you can offer further learning to your students and colleagues. Contact to find out more

You may also be interested in our other courses on BPS Learnincluding those related to supervision and your personal development.

You can also explore the range of BPS books available via Routledge.